Tuesday, 29 May 2012

The Australian Contemporary Family Project I'm involved in just won 2012 Canon APPA (Australian Professional Photography Awards) Photography Book of the Year! I have two images in the book and exhibition.  You can read more about it here

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Sunday.....a day of pottering and pondering and in the words of the great Julie Andrews.... "here are a few of my favourite things"...

It stopped at 6.20 pm... ummm

Recently I took my boys to Bali to discover the wonders and excitement of a different world.  We soon discovered StarBucks!

If you look up your city can look very different.

Dresses on a wall.

I cant walk pasts chairs without photographing them. If only they could talk.....

I like shadows.......K9 The Doctors Dog and then Sarah Janes. Perhaps there was an alien around the corner.

Here are my lovely not always obedient dogs Nobby and Bill.  They keep me company in the day and keep my feet warm in the evening.

Monday, 14 May 2012

"Material Girls" taken with my beautiful Fuji X100

This beautiful little camera has blown me away lately.  In fact you might say its ringing my photographic bell.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Met these two guys at the Toodyay Festival recently in WA.  A couple of dinky di Aussies If I ever saw.  You can see lots more portraits I have made here

Urban Couture 2012

I have been a bit slow on the blog front of late…. why…..well I have been busy making pictures, working with independent film makers in Perth, the community news, Joondalup council plus the odd wedding here and there so before the madness starts all over again I thought I would make an effort with my blog!
So first off the block….
During Joondlaup’s Urban Couture this year which I was invited to shoot again  I had three images (along with some other great West Australian photographer's) accepted into the "Strike a Pose" fashion exhibition at the Blender Gallery. 
Here are the images accepted and a a couple of other images from the festival itself.  I have also added some of my favourite's here

faceless fashion

faceless fashion
Urban Couture 2012

Urban Couture 2012